Providing positive, meaningful
and effective literacy support
for developing readers.

Providing positive, meaningful
and effective literacy support
for developing readers.

Kids Read, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit serves children in Larimer County, Colorado. Kids Read is committed to providing positive, meaningful and effective literacy support for developing readers. Why it matters

The ability to read is an important way for us to connect with the world around us.  Reading allows us to find information and to experience stories different than our own.  Reading is not just a school subject, but a way for people to communicate.  Reading is language based and is essentially an elevated form of talking and listening.

Reading is a highly complex skill.  Proficient readers often read so effortlessly and efficiently that they aren’t aware of how difficult learning to read can be.  Competence and confidence in reading form the foundation for educational achievement. Children who struggle with reading will often struggle with other school work.  Beginning readers will gain competence, independence and a desire to read as a result of positive and authentic reading practice. Research shows that children that practice reading outside of the classroom experience increased academic achievement. Reading practice has also been shown to be a better predictor of future academic success than even a family’s socio-economic status.      

Kids may struggle with reading for a variety of reasons.  Although the answers about why some children labor to learn to read aren't entirely clear. Scientists have discovered that the brain of a struggling reader often processes the written word differently than a child that easily learns to read. Children can have disabilities, speech and hearing problems, or processing issues that make reading difficult to learn.  Others may lack the language and literacy experiences they need to become strong readers. And, some children struggle because they've received poor or inadequate reading instruction. When risk factors are identified early, many children's reading difficulties can be prevented.  The good news is that with help kids can succeed.

Kids Read believes that helping kids succeed to learn to read is a shared responsibility.  Parents, educators, and members of the community all play an important role in helping children learn to read. Research shows that what families do makes a difference, what educators do makes a difference, and what community programs do makes a difference.   Our mission is to equip families by working collaboratively to provide positive, meaningful and effective literacy support services and products for children.

The ultimate goal of reading instruction—for children to understand and enjoy what they read—can be achieved.

So, how can we encourage kids to read outside of school and at home when they're struggling with reading in school?

Kids Read, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit serves children in Larimer County, Colorado. Kids Read is committed to providing positive, meaningful and effective literacy support for developing readers. Here are a few tips:

  • Keep reading fun, relaxing and low-key.  Create a special time or place at home for books.
  • Read aloud with kids.  Show and share your own enjoyment of reading.  Express your own curiosity and what you have learned from reading.
  • Help kids find reading material that is intensely interesting to them.  Don’t be afraid to let them explore topics or writing styles that you find less appealing.  Allow them some control, but nudge them with challenges.
  • Try playing reading games like Zirkel which incorporates highly effective educational strategies, but keeps reading practice fun.  Zirkel is designed to promote positive social interactions while reading, and create a meaningful sense of task accomplishment.
  • Look for community programs that offer help.  Research suggests that one-on-one reading help has shown the greatest promise in improving reading performance.  Look for after-school programs at your school, your library or your church that may provide additional support.
  • Get involved as a volunteer.  Find a community agency that is providing literacy support and offer to help.



© 2016 Kids Read